City of Sarcoxie, MO
Oldest Town in Jasper County
Pursue the goals of the City’s Comprehensive Plan
Make Sarcoxie the Best Hometown Possible
Improve the experience of living in Sarcoxie
The CORE Team is a mayor appointed team of super active volunteers who work directly with the mayor on a broad spectrum of issues. This includes pursuing long term goals and generally helping to get things done for the betterment of Sarcoxie.
The CORE Team is a non-traditional organization that prides itself on thinking big and not being restricted by doing things the way everyone else does. To date, this team is the big reason why GRO describes Sarcoxie as a city that “punches well above its weight class”.
All recommendations and proposals of the CORE Team are presented to the mayor and, if appropriate, the Board of Aldermen.
Protect and preserve the park assets of the City
Establish rules and regulations for assets as well as maintenance procedures.
Enforce policy and procedures put forth by the board
The Park Board is a government recognized organization that oversees and maintains all park assets of the City which includes:
Historical Downtown Square
Stebbins Memorial Park
City Pool Facility
OLT Soft Park - Cave & Spring Grounds
Carnival Grounds
Showbarn & Arena
Public Bathrooms
To contact the park board with questions or concerns, send an email to parkboard@sarcoxiemo.gov or call City Hall.