City of Sarcoxie, MO
Oldest Town in Jasper County
See how we're working to be the
Best Hometown Possible
Transportation within a city is another major component that makes a difference. With almost 15 miles of streets and sidewalks, the City of Sarcoxie takes the maintenance and improvement of our infrastructure seriously. However, funding and resource constraints can cause delays in addressing issues. Over the next decade, we expect to see an increase in motor-fuel tax revenue and can start to make some serious upgrades to our streets and sidewalks.
As a result of increased funding, the City has made significant improvements to collector streets​
20 blocks of streets have been improved.​
Where applicable, curbing has been repaired or replaced.​
The City will have continued the sealing of streets to minimize deterioration.​
Street signage has been standardized and is fully compliant with MoDOT requirements.​
Narrow sections of collector streets have been evaluated and, if feasible, widened to alleviate bottlenecking. ​
Sidewalks on collector streets have been significantly improved.​
If feasible, additional sidewalks have been added to create a loop around the city along collector streets.​
The City has partnered with the school district to determine cross-walk locations, signage, and other components to ensure safe school routes.​